1. 国家自然科学基金:《功能型纳米LDHs协同矿渣固结Cr(VI)性能与机理研究》,主持;
2. 中国博士后科学基金:《六价铬作用下矿渣水化反应机理及其固结性能调控研究》,主持;
3. 绿色建筑材料国家重点实验室开放基金:《功能型纳米LDHs固化氯离子能力及其提高钢筋抗腐蚀机理研究》,主持;
4. 重庆市博士后科学基金:《碱矿渣水泥固化稳定化垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属机理及增效技术研究》,主持;
5. 固废资源化利用与节能建材国家重点实验室开放基金:《六价铬作用下高炉矿渣水化反应机理及高效固化技术研究》,主持;
6. 高性能土木工程材料国家重点实验室开放基金:《功能性LDHs固结氯离子机理及其缓蚀行为研究》,主持。
[1] Zhang M*, Yang C, Zhao M, et al. Immobilization potential of Cr (VI) in sodium hydroxide activated slag pastes. Journal of hazardous materials, 2017, 321: 281-289. (IF: 13.6, SCI一区, TOP).
[2] Zhang M, Yang C*, Zhao M, et al. Immobilization of Cr (VI) by hydrated Portland cement pastes with and without calcium sulfate. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 342: 242-251. (IF: 13.6, SCI一区, TOP).
[3] Zhang M*, Yang C, Zhang Z, et al. Understanding the binding and leaching of Cr(VI) in calcium aluminate cement based solidified/stabilized pastes. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 262: 120040. (IF: 7.4, SCI一区, TOP).
[4] Zhang M, Long, Y, Yang, C, et al. Early hydration of blast furnace slag in the presence of sodium chromate, Construction and Building Materials. 2021, 297: 123775. (IF: 7.4, SCI一区, TOP).
[5] Wang C, Xiong D, Zhang M*. Characteristic contaminant removal purification and high value ecological utilization technology of calcination modified manganese residue, Separation and Purification Technology. 2022: 119602. (Corresponding author, IF: 8.6, SCI一区, TOP).
[6] Zhang M *, Zhao, M, Peng, J, et al. Improvement on corrosion resistance of gypsum for ceramics molding with soluble salts. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 35: 102064. (IF: 6.4, SCI二区, TOP).
[7] Zhang M, Wang F, Long Y, et al. Improving the carbonation resistance of alkali-activated slag mortars by calcined Mg/Al layered double hydroxides. Applied Clay Science, 2022, 216: 106379. (IF:5.6, SCI二区, TOP).
[8] Chen M, Cai Y, Zhang M*, et al. Novel Ca-SLS-LDH nanocomposites obtained via lignosulfonate modification for corrosion protection of steel bars in simulated concrete pore solution, Applied Clay Science. 2021: 106195. (Corresponding author, IF:5.6, SCI二区, TOP).
[9] Wang C, Wang P, Zhang M*. Resource recycling sustainability assessment in ready-mixed concrete manufactured on energy consumption and environmental safety in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021. (Corresponding author, IF: 5.8, SCI三区).
[10] Zhao L, Zhang M*, Chen H, et al. Effect of silicone waterproofing agent properties and microstructure of fly ash-cement based wall insulation materials in high-humidity environment. Silicon, 2021. (Corresponding author, IF: 3.4, SCI三区).